World and Electricity

The modern human community is no doubt heavily dependent on electricity for its sustainable existence. It is electricity that is driving our social and economic sectors in the community. Therefore, living in a world without electricity would require a number of changes and adjustments. First, most production industries could be deemed non-operational. People will change to using traditional food and cloth production techniques.

Another change is in the financial sector. Since electricity is the driving force for the automation of financial services, banks will go back to executing transaction through hand written records. Our approach to entertainment will also change. Physical forms of entertainment such as the use of guitar, physical appearance by entertainers will remain the only option. Education disciplines like information technology and electrical engineering will become useless.

Most medical drugs are current produced in factories through the use of electricity. Therefore, the use of traditional treatments such as herb medicine will become common. The medical profession will change to become a practice of experience in diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Modern trends were electricity is employed in giving precise diagnosis and effective treatment of some diseases like cancer will cease to exist.

Transport of goods and people will also change. Animal driven transport will be adopted. Since cross border trade is inevitable, the society will be forced to go back to using wind powered sailing ships and bouts. The issue of security in the society will dictate for physical presence of police patrols due to failure of intelligence surveillance security systems. Face to face communication and posting of letters will be most reliable communication methods. Lighting and cooking at home will involve using of bio-fossils such as firewood and petroleum products. The human community will be forced to adapt to working during the day and sleeping night. Lastly, water supply will be through wind power, gravity andor physical carrying of from the source. All in all, waking one morning to find no electricity will no doubt affect all aspects of our life. Almost all our modern technological advancements will become useless.


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