Global warming

The recent severe snow blizzards and snowstorms that have hit Europe and the east of the United States have rekindled the debate about global warming and elicited wide comments about the topic. Just like the lines in the cartoon, it has been observed by Knickerbocker an environmental scientist that at present, it might not be the best time to raise the issue of concerns about global temperature rise. He observes that although seasonal changes in weather patterns and change in climatic conditions do not always occur together, it is hard for people to differentiate the two and hence it has become a bit harder to prove to people that global warming is becoming. Scientists also records the views of Antony leiserowitz, Yale University director for climate change project, that the Washington approaches of no commitment to climate change, increasing resistance to climate laws legislation and the global economic crisis which have caused widespread unemployment have all caused a drop in the level of public concerns about the dangers of global warming.

Another cause of the dwindling concerns for climate change that is recorded by Knickerbocker is the recent scandals that have hit the intergovernmental panel for climate change (IPPC). He also endorses the views of Chris Field a scientist of Stanfords university specializing in climate change that there is a dilemma within people of what features of the IPPC one should believe in and what should not. However, environmentalists cautions about the risks of maintaining the status quo. They records that the risks of global warming are a reality and their warnings will continue reviewing themselves. They records the warning by Al Gore, a renown American climate activist, that the snowstorms that rocked America in February were caused by the warmer temperatures that are being experienced around the globe causing overheating in the oceans resulting in more moisture in the environment and the resulting snowstorms and that, this should be enough mockery to people with little or no concern for climate change to change their views.


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